Translations for any need

Welcome to my website

My name is Giuliana Franzoso.
I am an Italian native speaker.

I studied at a German University.
I graduated in Translations.

Translations means
writing a text that already exists
in other languages.
In this way, far more people can understand.
The verb you should use is to translate.

I have been interested in Translations since I was a kid.
When I was 3
I asked very often:

How can I say that word in English?/

I can translate texts in:


I like translating all kind of texts.
For example:

Real or invented stories
Rules and guidelines
Instructions to use something.

While translating, I always learn something new.

My published translations

This book talks about sexuality and astrology.

Sexuality is the subject
that describes people behaviour
in their sexual relationships.
Astrology is the subject
that explains the influence of planets
on people life.

The original book is in French.
I translated it in Italian.

This book is about the fourth expedition

of Christopher Columbus.

An expedition is a travel
to discover new territories.

The original book is in German.
I translated it in Italian.

This is my Bachelor paper.
I translated some German journal articles in Italian.
The articles were about LGBT people.

LGBT people are:
Gay people
and people, who cannot identify with their birth sex.

Then, I explained my translation of some words and phrases in German.

Through the translator’s eyes…

In this section, you can find articles
that I wrote
to describe some aspects
of the translator job.

Positive feedbacks

If you want to assign me a translation

write an email to